The weather is an excellent metaphor for describing the principle of thought. We all know the weather fluctuates; some days the weather is cloudy, rainy, dark, and full of thunderstorms. And other days, the weather is beautiful, the sun is shining, and the sky is a brilliant blue.

Similarly, some days (and at variable times throughout the day) our minds are cluttered and overwhelmed by our thinking. Other days, we don’t even notice our thoughts and life is fantastic; we are naturally present, smiling, and enjoying all aspects of our life.

Both the weather and your thinking naturally fluctuate. Both are outside of your control and are empowered by something greater than you or I. When you learn you are powerless over the weather as well as the content of your thoughts (regardless of any mental strategies or techniques), you will spend mental energy on more productive tasks.

What could you do with all of your “excess” time if you gave up trying to control the uncontrollable?

Try it and let me know how it goes.



*****I appreciated the response from last week’s post (Planes, People, and Turbulence). Special thanks to one of my avid readers, Julie who also happens to be a pilot. She kindly shared the following: “The plane is designed to ‘weather the storm’ if you will. We slow down to maneuvering speed but keep going.”  Yes, yes–just like the plane, we too are designed to weather the storm, maybe slowing down if necessary, but we keep going, keep proceeding. Thank  you Julie.