I woke up last Thursday excited to start my tenth consecutive day of working out. I couldn’t wait for the boys to head to school so I could get in my morning sweat.

The next day, on day 11, I woke up and the last thing I wanted to do was put on my sneakers and socks and work out.

I was the same person on Thursday as I was on Friday. I was doing the same workout, at the same time, and in the same place. Why was I having such a different response to the same event, especially since I knew I had the weekend off due to a speaking engagement?

Flashing back to my collegiate playing days, I realized this was not unusual. Back then, I had looked forward to practice on some days, but then on others days, I spent additional time in the training room to avoid the “grind” of a full practice.

Why do I (we) react to or feel differently about identical situations?

Because we experience and perceive the world from the inside-out.

My changing perspective is a consequence of the natural ebb and flow (a by-product of being human) of my thinking (inside). It has nothing to do with my workout (external circumstance).

Please understand that your environment has no power over your state of mind. In moments of clarity, you know this to be true.
