I was recently asked the following: “What is obvious to you but not so obvious to others?”

Here is my 19-point answer:

  1. All people feel angst, insecurity, doubt, fear (although I use a different word), nervousness, anger.
  2. Feeling anxious does not mean you have a problem or a personality flaw; it means you are human.
  3. Feelings come from our thinking in the moment and not circumstances, all day and every day.
  4. Competence does not equal confidence.
  5. Your mental life is a roller coaster. Embrace the ride. As your head fills with thought, you have trouble seeing clearly and are at a low point in the journey. In contrast, as your head naturally empties of thought, you see life differently and are at a high point. Our perspective of every circumstance in our life varies depending on our position on the roller coaster.
  6. Depending on your mind-set, you will perceive/interpret identical situations differently.
  7. Mind-set shapes our experience. Events don’t shape mind-set.
  8. A head filled with thought (clutter) and a head devoid of thought (clarity) are both normal.
  9. Clarity and a high state of mind is not a goal to be achieved.
  10. You can’t control your thinking nor your feelings.
  11. You don’t have to listen to any thought that arises.
  12. There is a huge difference between thought as a psychological category and the content of your thinking.
  13. You don’t choose your mind-set. Your mind-set chooses you.
  14. You are not a victim to the circumstances in your life.
  15. You don’t have control over your mind-set, mood, or state of mind.
  16. When left alone your mind will self-correct to clarity; tips and strategies block your natural healing mechanism.
  17. Judging the content of your thinking as positive or negative isn’t helpful.
  18. Your mind-set fluctuates independent of events.
  19. Psychological freedom and well-being is a by-product of understanding how the mind works.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Grace and peace,